Wheel And Deal Your Way To The Best Auto Shipping Quote
Thanks to the proliferation of the internet searching for auto shipping companies is now easier. You could also use a variety of sources to come up with a list of shipping companies to contact. You could use an ad paper, search up the telephone directories, ask old friends who have experienced shipping their autos too, and other sources. 1. Select Your Top 10 Choices When you get a large list of about 20 to 30 the next step is to contact each and every one of them by phone to get more information. Before you do so, prepare a list of things you want to ask the shipper. These questions should relate to your needs and your capability to pay for the shipping. You will also want to include questions that will affect convenience on your part and the shipper’s part. Take into consideration things like schedules, quality of service and other concerns. For example, you could ask them regarding their packages. See if they offer one that suits your needs and is within you...